Day in the Life of an eSports Gamer: What it’s Really Like to Compete Professionally

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Photo by Yan Krukov on

As esports continue to grow in popularity, more and more people are curious about what life looks like as a pro gamer. After all, being able to play games competitively for a living sound sweet, but it also seems like there must be some downsides that we don’t hear about!

We already know that esports players work hard (sometimes too hard) and train a lot, but do they have any fun at all? How do they manage to deal with the stress of competition and travel? How much money do they make?

Early start

It takes a lot of work and dedication to become a professional esports player. You must be willing to put in the hours and grind, but if you love gaming, it can be worth it. For some people, it is just a hobby. But for others, esports is their profession.

From marketing professionals to full-time athletes, they have made it their goal in life. Starting early in life gives a player a great deal of advantage and training. Dedication to increase your knowledge and experience along the years makes you wiser and develop strategies masterfully.

Work with a team

Esports players train extensively with teammates so that they are ready for competition against other teams or individuals from around the world. They practice six days per week for about five hours per day and often compete on weekends or after school when tournaments happen worldwide on Twitch streams or YouTube channels.

Of course, many gamers also play their favorite online games alone during their free time. For example, they may play mobile slots and poker at the safest online casinos recommended by The Sports Geek to relax after a long day in the office.

Learn from players who are better than you

Experiences will never be enough to give you lesson in gaming. Challenge yourself with the pro-gamers. Engaging with pro gamers is one thing you need and should want it badly.

 Skills are not always learned by yourself other people’s input is necessary to grow. Remember, it doesn’t matter how talented you are; if you don’t have a burning desire to learn, then someone else will always be more motivated than you.

Follow set practice schedule

Practice is a crucial part of being successful and can take up a lot of time. It can be difficult to balance practice with school or other obligations. I would recommend setting up a schedule and sticking to it as best you can, but if you know that you are going to miss a practice, give your teammates warning so they can fill in for you. Discipline is one important characteristic for a professional and successful esports gamer.

Play scrims (scrimmage matches) against other teams

The best way to improve at a video game is by playing against other players. The best way to do that is through scrims, or scrimmage matches, which are organized and scheduled by teams. These scrims can be scheduled on any days of the week, but typically take place during late evening hours.

Teams will meet up with each other and play one another for anywhere from thirty minutes to three hours, depending on what time the match was set for. There might not be much time between matches either, with some teams having as many as six scrims scheduled back-to-back with breaks in between. Sometimes they’ll even schedule their next match while they’re still playing their current one.

Prepare for match days by watching VODs (video on demand, usually tournament recordings)

Watching VODs is a great way to get ready for a big match. It allows you time to study your opponent and plan out strategies that may be needed on game day. This also helps you see how different people play so you can prepare for as many scenarios as possible.

The only drawback with this method is that not everyone uploads their VODs, which makes this strategy difficult if you don’t know when they will upload them or where they will be uploaded to.

Reduce any stress by playing other games: Playing games other than the one you’re preparing for can help alleviate some of the stress before a big match. Your adrenaline levels are already high and playing games will allow them to drop just enough to lower your chances of making mistakes during a tough competition.

Document everything so you know where to improve

Keep track of your progress and learning by documenting everything.  You can use a notebook, computer, or phone to make notes about different things such as stats from matches, observations from watching replays, or anything else you feel is worth noting. With all these records, you’ll be able to pinpoint areas that need improvement so you can focus on them and become even better!

Play on stage, win prize money

The next thing you’ll know, you might be one of the esports gamer cheered on stage.  If you are lucky enough to win your first match, the prize money can range from $5,000 – $1 million!

If you don’t have that much time to practice and master a game, just think about this before committing yourself to a career as an esports athlete: only 1% of gamers make more than $100K annually.

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